Educational and recreational park in Czeczewo

  • ul. Gdańska 8 , Czeczewo

The educational park is located nearby the School Complex in Czeczewo, in the vicinity of sports and recreational facilities, which include: a complex of sports fields, outdoor gym facilities and a playground. Educational instruments in the park make you acquainted with selected laws of physics, in particular in the field of acoustics.

Educational devices in the park:

  • Lithophone and the pipe organ- device showing the propagation of sound waves in the air
  • Xylophone - device presenting the formation of acoustic waves
  • Tubular bells – devices presenting the production of sound waves of different lengths and frequencies
  • Triangles – demonstrating the dependence of an acoustic wave on its source
  • Wind gongs - device showing the propagation of sound waves in the air
  • Pan Flute - device presenting the functioning of aerophones, where in each tube you can hear the sound of a different timbre and intensity