Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Kiełpino

The parish church in Kiełpino is an architectural monument with a long-lasting and rich history. The first wooden, sacral building was built by the monks at the end of the 14th century and has served as an independent parish. In 1646 it was pulled down and in its place in 1647 was constructed a new, brick temple. It was built of brick on a cruciform plan with a rectangular tower and from the west covered with an envelope helmet crowned with a relatively small onion dome with a cross. After a thorough renovation in 1772, it was consecrated. In the years 1926 - 1929, a transept and presbytery were added to the church. From that moment the building did not change its external shape. The passing time, however, left visible signs on temple interior, which resulted in its general renovation. The organs were repaired, the wooden ceiling, floors, confessionals, benches as well as lighting and doors were replaced. The chancel was ordered, a stone altar and a pulpit were built. The altars, sculptures and paintings were carefully modernised. Recently, the Marian cave, the pre-funeral chapel and the cemetery alleys were renovated.